With happy memories of your kindness.
There was a time when the Culture Sector of the Municipality of Bologna every year proposed a Special Event dedicated to a figure on the cultural scene of particular importance to the city. We had the honor of curating the one dedicated to Gianni Celati, when he was alive, sharing the human and professional adventure of a multidisciplinary project curated by Ermanno Cavazzoni and Jean Talon, which enhanced his profile as an author, translator, lecturer, thespian and videomaker, punctuated in the seasons by the photographs of his dear friend Luigi Ghirri and the company of his koiné, composed–not exhaustively–of the alternation of fantastic writers and thinkers such as Daniele Benati, Ugo Cornia, , Ivan Levrini, Stefano Benni, Paolo Nori, but also Vasco Brondi, the collaboration of AngelicA festival, of Einaudi, of Doppiozero. And we could only greet him all together, in January 2022, in a packed Sala Borsa with no stalls for the sale of his books.