Father, the new short film by the young director Michele Gallone, with Filippo Timi, Alberto Paradossi, Francesca Inaudi and little Carolina Michelangeli
We are concluding the post-production of Father, the new short film by Michele Gallone, made thanks to the contribution of Creative Europe Media Slate to the development, the support of MiC and SIAE, within the program “Per Chi Crea”, and of the Fund for Development and Cohesion (FSC) 2021-2027 Umbria Film Fund 2022 of the Umbria Region, with the technical support of the Umbria Film Commission. The screenplay of “Father”, written by Michele Gallone with Sara Parentini, won the first Yellow Knight Award – Bergamo Film Meeting.
The film features an exceptional cast made up of Filippo Timi and Alberto Paradossi in the leading roles of Mario and Francesco, Francesca Inaudi in the role of Angela, Alessandra Chieli in the role of the Notary, and little Carolina Michelangeli – former face of Laura Bispuri in “Il paradiso del Pavone”.
Short film by Michele Gallone
in postproduction